Maybe my top 5 movies of all time!


Making a top for me is difficult. It's hard for me to know which ones to put at the top and which ones not to put. One day I can tell you some and another day I can tell you others. Yes, they always tend to be more or less the same group, so I have decided to make a top 5 of my favorite films of all time:

The Social Network.

I consider this film to be the best of its director, David Fincher. Even having great films like Seven or Gone Girl, I consider The Social Network to be the best in all areas: Script, editing, photography, soundtrack, performances...

In it we see how Facebook (now Meta) was created and everything it meant for its founders through Jesse Eisenberg who plays Mark Zuckerberg.


I can't describe what I felt when I saw this movie for the first time as a kid. The mythology about the alien... not knowing where it comes from, not knowing its limits and not having a way to escape in the ship in which the protagonists travel, was one of the first times that I felt that cinema for me its not only was more entertainment.

The Goodfellas.

My favorite director is Martin Scorsese... his filmography is excellent and although he may not be the most profitable director, he is one of the most prestigious on the current scene. He is one of the few directors of the “old guard” who is still active.

I love movies like The Wolf of Wall Street, The Departed or Casino... But if I had to choose one, I think it would be Goodfellas... 

We see the life of Henry Hill... A boy who, since he was little, has only seen two things: His father working all day to remain poor, and what he saw in his neighborhood: Gangsters with luxurious cars, expensive suits and influential friends. This makes him want to be a gangster. From that moment, the movie told the life of that boy from young to adult and how that vision of the mafia affects his life.


As with The Social Network, Christopher Nolan has incredible films like Inception, The Batman Trilogy or the recent Oppenheimer... But without a doubt, Interstellar is the one that has made me feel a lot. Listening to Hans Zimmer's soundtrack makes hair-raising.

Lost In Translation.

There are movies, series, books... that leave their mark on you and mark you in some way. Not only because of its plot, visual effects or sound... but because they come to you at a specific moment and perhaps make you reflect beyond the experience itself when enjoying it. It affects you in your daily life, in your social relationships, in your way of analyzing and understanding yourself, in short, it changes you...

A man completely alone in a boring and monotonous life after 20 years of relationship, a young woman totally lost and misunderstood by her partner who does not pay her the attention she deserves, both meet in a hotel in Tokyo... A trip through what loneliness, friendship, love entails... 

Lost in Translation is a film that you may find boring, that you may not understand the "unhappy" ending or that you may not directly connect with its story... Or It may also be that depending on the moment in your life in which you see it, it turns out to be the best movie and at the same time the worst... That it tears you inside and you feel that at the end of the day this is what real life is like... Hard, cold, bitter and with a feeling of desolation and sadness because, unfortunately, things do not always go as planned and that, even though it hurts, there are paths that separate and never come together again, people that you have to leave behind that you will never forget and stages that you have to overcome because there is no other choice.
